• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Loves to write, hates the paperwork.


The Great and Powerful Trixie cares not for performative norms. She will go out, dazzle the crowd, and be utterly, flawlessly spectacular for every single show. No exceptions. Such is her skill, she doesn’t even need to practice her tricks beforehand.

Except, that is, when she performs with a lowly subordinate lovely assistant in the form of Starlight Glimmer, who believes it better to go through the performance several times in private. What a waste of time, the run up to a show should be spent preparing for curtseys and resting ones autographing hoof. What could possibly go wrong?

Cover art (and story inspiration) courtesy of Lou_Raccoon on Twitter.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )
stixie #1 · Sunday · · ·

Peak stixie performance right here :rainbowlaugh:
Encore! Encore!

Amazing! Loved this.

Great story, love seeing the dynamic between Starlight/Trixie as manager/performer respectfully, especially the way that Starlight both likes working with her friend and is equally annoyed by it :trollestia:.

Though my friend doesn't understand the joke in the last line, the only reference of smelling like tomato sauce I know he knows involves skunk smell and he just doesn't see the connection :rainbowhuh:.

8_Bit #4 · Sunday · · ·

See the paragraphs about midway through referring to a magical incident in the school cafeteria :raritywink:

Ah, I didn't think about that, must have been one hell of a clean-up if she still smells like that :rainbowlaugh:. Thanks :twilightsmile:.

Scyphi #6 · Yesterday · · ·

'Le Miserétalons'

Now I'm admittedly curious about this particular production. I assume it's a griffon rendition of Les Miserables, so if you're familiar with the real life play, you already know the gist of it, but still.

Only after teaching hours had ended, could she have a swig from her flask of Seaquestrian Spiced Rum.

Also confiscated, amusingly enough, from Gallus.

She had to be, with so many students in her care at the school.

And some of them actively trying to put those fire regulations to the test, no doubt. :trixieshiftleft:

A cold chill shot up Trixie's spine. "Err... about that... well you see, Trixie was under a great deal of emotional stress when she said that, and so she might have been speaking a little... hastily? But she is willing to negotiate a fair deal with you, just as soon as..."

Tough noogies, Trixie. Starlight's going to hold you to every word of that little agreement you struck with the frog. :trollestia:


I assume it's a griffon rendition of Les Miserables

I can confirm the irl play being referenced, but this is actually one of two possible interpretations of the in-universe equivalent :derpyderp1:

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