• Member Since 19th Dec, 2022
  • offline last seen 20 minutes ago



"If you stay in this place," Tempest said. "They will saw off your horn the first chance they get."

"Is that what they did to you?" Sunset asked.
Created for Sunset X Villain AU competition (October 4th 2023 to November 2nd 2023).

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Mockingbirb, partway through reading this story: "Wow, this is a good Adventure + Romance fimfic!"

Mockingbirb, at the end of the story: (SCREAMS) "I mean, this really is a tragedy."

Mockingbirb, in general: "A well thought out AU story with worldbuilding to suit."

👍 Recommended!

Oh man that ending.

~Skeeter The Lurker

The ending is disappointing (unless you're planning a sequel?), but the rest of the story was great!

Coward. Write the ending.

Regidar #5 · Saturday · · ·

just like spinning plates

Sunset turned the staff on Celestia. Fizzlepop released another blast. She'd never been very good at shield spells, but energy projection she'd developed into an art.

Her chaotic magic struck the staff just as it began to draw forth Celestia's boundless might.

And then everything got really bright.

My reaction;

Halo Announcer: Betrayal!!!!!

Kylo Ren/Ben: TRAITOR!!!

So i guess everyone died and since celestia was there everyone as in everyone on the planet


Why do you have to be so dark and cynical?

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