Calmy Storm is the one --and only-- Para Psychotherapist in Canterlot City. The strange and unusual is his bread and better, but will his latest client be beyond his skills?
A mysterious internet user has been revealing secrets and hurting everyone at Canterlot Highschool, worst of all, it has framed Sunset Shimmer for these crimes. But an unexpected twist occurs when Sunset admits to being responsible for everything.
A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.
Can former villains learn from one another without driving each other and everyone else insane? Discord seems to think so. Sunset Shimmer, however, has her doubts. And the Sirens aren't helping matters, either.
Words spoken in the heat of the moment often seem foul when tempers cool. Five girls face the mirror after their accusation, and see the ugly truth long before the revelation. An Anon-A-Miss story.