• Member Since 16th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"Creativity flows when boredom grows." -The Bored Author (of Doom)


Starswirl the Bearded has been alone for so many years, for millennia. He has no idea how he came to be, but all he knows is the loneliness of being the only one of his kind. That is, till he stumbled upon a jar, a jar that can capture the essence of anything.
However, there are consequences to bringing about new life, consequences that require heroes. And heroes need Harmony.

Note: changed the chapter names so it makes sense.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 74 )

Aw, thank you! Means a lot!

Ooooh, this is nice. the worldbuilding you're doing now is really interesting.

What's with the sudden shift to first person in the eighth paragraph, though?

Oh shoot, that was a mistake, thanks!
It is now fixed.

Ooh, we're slowly but surely capturing the essence of the world around, making (or re-making?) the celestial sisters first and possibly moving on to eventually make a full world of people, all from a single glass capable of magical workings.

The first Running of the Leaves!

Starswirl is best dad. wonder what going on with those shadows?
oh, and happy new year to you also.

Agreed, and thank you!

Of course, Sunset would be the wild filly in this tale! Of course, Tia would be the one to calm her down. Of course, Luna would have reservations about the whole thing.

Poor Swirly... he's gotten himself three hoof-fulls! :rainbowlaugh:

We wish him the best of luck!

Does Starswirl create the villains of the show as well?

what makes you say that?

Yay, more Starswirl the dad-ed! I'm loving the caracterization for all of them so far. What did he do to that poor rock, though...

Also: Listening to the song you mentioned in the footnote. Liking it!

Yay! Thank you!
Indeed, what did happen to the rock. A mystery for another day.

Woo! Seems I logged in at the right time.

Even Swirly's figuring out he's a single father of four very interesting fillies now. Just what was up with cadance's wings?

A lot of very interesting developments are underway. I really wanna know more about that shadow...

(and I hope I'm not being a bore here, but the 24th paragraph from the top has a bit of it in first person ("More moons had passed, the five of us huddled in that hut, that small hut.") and the penultimate one has "it'll" ("It will", in the future tense) where "it'd" ("It would") would be a better fit. these are small mistakes, though- your story is really interesting either way!)

I'm writing this at three past three in the morning- i can relate.

With Cadance's wings I was thinking like Rarity's horn. How she was dragged off without her control.

As for being a bore, don't feel like that! Catching errors helps everybody. Thank you.

Old The Bearded has been trundling back and forth across the world for decades without ever seeing aught but summertime? Curious.

Bacon pony is here, and there is much rejoicing.

Huh, Sunset invented magic, she's going to be insufferable now...

Well whatever's going on, Sombra seems clued in. It's a good thing he loves monolouging...

but of course, you can't have a villain without the monologues. It's like pasta without the sauce. lol

Granny Smith and Starswirl, there's a partnership I've never seen before.

Hahaa! I take first place!

And Star Swirl made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the ground after its kind: and Star Swirl saw that it was cute.

So if I had to guess... perhaps either this is a world where Cozy yeeted the magic from and everyone is being recreated upon its return, or something else ended the world and its all coming back now.

Or I;m over thinking a creative little AU.

An interesting guess, could be interesting to go down that route.

So Cadence's an alicorn now? Interesting.

I liked having a more chill dadswirl chapter after the last chapter's action. And we have granny smith here, now!

Indeed! Dadswirl is best swirl.

Ah, sparky sparky boom boom pony is here, lightning on demand!

Ursa is here too, but I'm sure we don't have to worry about that.

I love that, lol. Sparky sparky boom boom pony.
And nah, Ursa's are not scary at all, nothing to worry about.

Wahhhhh Dadswirl :raritycry: I want them to be happy...

Fizzlepop doesn't seem to be one for long introductions, does she? and I see where Granny Smith is coming from here- this is already the sixth daughter he's had!

hey, if they were happy, it wouldn't be much of a story!

Hm, if this is canon, might we see Eris and Cosmos in the future? I hope so. They get so little play in fan stories.

A shame Rain took off, I was rooting for her.

I genuinely like this Starswirl. He's not a gigantic asshole like canon.

She'll come back, don't you worry.

whatever made u think of this, good job :> i am thoroughly intrigued

And so even in this creation myth Chrysalis never learned the phrase "Can I suck some love from you, pretty please"

Very cozy :twilightsmile:

What can I say, a Changeling Queen can't change her fangs

And why would she! Queens trump Princesses

Couldn't agree more! Welp, now I got to completely change the story. ALL HAIL QUEEN CHRYSALIS!

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