• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon


After agreeing to Twilight's proposal of having a date in an alternate universe, Rarity finds herself contemplating many things, including but not limited to: what it means to be a human, how are you supposed to walk on two legs, meeting teenage versions of yourself and your friends, and last but not least, questioning your entire relationship and the nature of soulmates.

Going on an inter-dimensional date with her marefri—sorry, girlfriend—was not supposed to lead to the existential crisis of a lifetime, but there was Rarity anyway.

Set in the same continuity as "The Swap". Absolutely not set in the same continuity as "Your Own Worst Enemy".

Cover art by the wonderful Maxima.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

I had already read this on your website but I am not against reading this brilliance a second time.

“Mhm,” she said, and nothing more.

Is this supposed to be "I said"? It seems like that fits better in context.

I wasn't expecting an update to this, but it's welcome.

Hullo Mono, I see you have returned.

Oh look a perfect excuse to re-read this story!

Why was this only on tracking and read later and not on favourited? x.x

Mono, you're a mad genius. Thank you for this.

“Well,” Glasses said, “Pinkie’s about to help me with a science experiment in the lab.”

Why does this line fill me with foreboding?

I've actually had an idea like this before, with the Mane Six being paired up differently in the FiM dimension and the EqG dimension. I think you did it better, though.

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