Need some editing done? Working on a story and not sure how it’s shaping up? I’m now doing editing and critique commissions! Check this link for more information and pricing and PM me if interested.
Editing and Critique Commissions
Public Notices
People keep asking, “Hey, I see you added my story to a bookshelf! Are you going to review it?”
I book it, I review it.
No exceptions.
Reading Progress
[Adult story embed hidden]
37.96% (235,494 / 620,295)
37.50% (32,108 / 85,625)
Featured Stories
These stories did well enough to hit the feature box!
Bulletproof Heart: The Great, The Powerful, and the Bulletproof
Bulletproof Heart: The Pony on the Roof
Bulletproof Heart: Sunset at Little Longhorn
Cutie Mark Chronicles: Limestone Pie
Lyra Heartstrings and the Bench of Doom
No Heroes: Hot Chocolate at the Isekai
The Gentle Nights: Audience of One
2nd Place
The Barcast's Halloween in April Contest
Study of Generosity
2nd Place
The Barcast's Make Rarity Not Garbage Contest
The Fourth Season
Honorable Mention
Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons
What is Missing, What is Lost
1st Place
Rage Reviews! seventh F*** THIS PROMPT contest
One Night at Fluttershy's
3rd Place
Skeeter the Lurker's Switcheroo! contest
Ordinary World
Overall Winner
Transformations group's Body Swap Contest
Twilight's Inferno
1st Place
Badass Twilight = Total Domination group's Banished, Exiled, Forgotten contest
Review Requests
Rules for Requesting Reviews
Want to request a review? There's no 'correct' way to do it. PM me, comment on my blogs, comment on my user page, it's all good. As soon as I've acknowledged the request I'll go into my Review Schedule and add yours to the queue. Just remember: requests are always first come/first serve. There are a few rules:
Long Stories
NOTE: A story is considered "long" if it is 70,000 words or more.
Updated July 27: All future long story requests will go to the 2024 schedule. There are currently 8 slots available for that year.
Because some people just had to request stupidly long stories for 2024, I am temporarily adding a restriction: no stories longer than 100,000 words. This is to prevent my schedule from getting clogged up and forcing me to read 40,000/day for months at a time next year. Once I'm confident that risk is dealt with, I'll remove this rule.
No Clop
Have I read clop? Yes. Do I review clop? Not often. My reviews are for stories, not blatant fap material. That said, every once in a while one slips through the cracks. If you can convince me that there's actually a story under all the mess, then I will consider it.
As a general rule, I avoid reading incomplete stories. I tend to make an exception to requests, but I reserve the right to decline incompletes.
Review Schedule and Other Spreadsheets
My Long Story schedule is completely booked for 2022. This means that if you want to request a story longer than 70,000 words, you will be waiting until sometime in 2023 for that review. I cannot guarantee it'll be "early" 2023, either. Just something to keep in mind.
This schedule lists the stories that are set to be reviewed every week. The next six weeks are always included. I may have more than six scheduled, but only the nearest six will actually be visible at any time.
The day-to-day reading schedule, which dictates what I will read and when. Mostly meant for my own use in limiting how much I read every day, but kept available to the public for the sake of transparency.
The archive. Contains a list of every story I've ever reviewed with links to both the story and the review.
A Brief Look Into The Insanely Detailed World That Is Paul's Mind
Read this if you want to see what I go through every Saturday to deliver to you folks a weekly review blog. Be warned, this thing is overbearingly detailed.
The Silver Standard Once upon a time, Silver Spoon's life made sense. Now she lives in Ponyville. 296,450 words · 519 · 10
Five Hundred Little Murders Flitter thinks Fluttershy is the weakest pony in the world. Flitter has never confronted what Fluttershy's job really means. Nopony ever wants to or should. Now Flitter has to. And 'weak' will turn out to be exactly the wrong word. 10,523 words · 1,121 · 25
The Flight of the Alicorn Rarity finds herself forced into an unlikely alliance when her airship crashes far from home. 227,108 words · 1,435 · 29
Sucker for a Cute Face Adagio finds Fluttershy alone one morning, and many to follow. 276,133 words · 1,219 · 29
Daring Do(esn't Need a Special Somepony) A.K. Yearling doesn't write love stories, because Daring Do usually spends Hearts and Hooves Day tearing through Equestria in a no-holds-barred search for candy. There's no room for anypony else in the chase. Especially not some stuck-up stunt flier. 9,335 words · 493 · 10
Concepts & Creations Index
A while back I started posting blogs detailing stories that I conceived but don't expect to ever write. The link below is to an index of all these blogs.
Best Stories
Time for Tea As far as everyone who isn't Fluttershy knows, Rainbow Dash is not a 'tea' type of girl. Really. 1,000 words · 108 · 3
No Heroes Part III - For Dreams Luna's team takes on its first task, working together with the Element Bearers. But with Fine Crime out of action, can Luna keep the team going in their dreams? 92,694 words · 116 · 1
Of Angels What makes an angel? Is it wings and a halo? Is it good deeds, a gentle touch, beauty? I’ve thought on that long and hard. 4,023 words · 350 · 3
Friendship = Evil Filly Twilight has come upon a groundbreaking truth. Now she just has to convince Celestia. 2,393 words · 939 · 11
Lessons in Generosity Scootaloo is the last pony Rarity ever thought would want to be more 'Rarity', but that's exactly what the filly claims. Sadly, Scootaloo's understanding of generosity is disastrously flawed. 4,887 words · 309 · 4
Personal Best
Bulletproof Heart In a hot desert Equestria, Rarity Belle makes her living as a clothier in the small town of Spurhoof. But when a posse of Bad Apples arrive in town, she finds her life turned upside down. Now she fights for only one thing: survival. 314,571 words · 327 · 13
Frequency While randomly scouring the airwaves with her two-way radio, Vinyl stumbles upon a desperate voice with a wild story. Can words save a life? Can they give hope, and is that hope even worth it? 66,215 words · 731 · 47
Forgive Me, Friend Rainbow comes home to find her wife waiting for her. She hasn't seen Rarity in seven years. 8,521 words · 89 · 5
Of Angels What makes an angel? Is it wings and a halo? Is it good deeds, a gentle touch, beauty? I’ve thought on that long and hard. 4,023 words · 350 · 3
For a short-form character piece that draws from the show, the comics, the chapter books, and the mobile game, I will gladly take 'Pretty Good' for Chartreuse.
Yeah that's what I meant, the best one I got from you, not the best one you have to offer.
Do my eyes deceive me? "Best Grade"? Why, you are off by one, boy!
But it is the best grade you've gotten from me so far. I suppose you'll see why when the review drops.
bruhhh there's no shot my story to get the best grade from you was something I wrote in like 2-3 hours when I was 18 that I almost didn't even publish😭
Thank you so much for the review! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and I'm so glad you liked the story