• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Slap me with the splintered ruler.


Twilight knew that things would be different for her, ever since she became an alicorn. But during a day out at the funfair, she never envisaged anything like this...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )
Artist #1 · Saturday · · ·

I like it

Nice short story; a very Twilight reaction. I liked your OC too, by the way.

Lose a ride, gain a minion

I was hoping you would. Hopefully, others agree. :yay:

Thanks. I just thought of my old teacher, and everything else just kind of fell into place. :duck:

Better than those yellow thingies anyway. :twilightoops:

Better than those yellow thingies anyway. :twilightoops:

Oh lord yes. I was tired of them after the first movie. And then they got a franchise...

Mica #6 · Saturday · · ·

Reminds me of how the current and former presidents of the United States are not allowed to drive a car. Hay, there are some sacrifices you don’t even think about when you’re head of state

She could use a spell to shapeshift into a smaller form temporarily it was done by celestia in the comics.

I guess people found them ‘cute’. The mind boggles… :applejackconfused:
…Now that would be cheating. :raritywink:

Nowt wrong with taxis & buses. Might even help them get to know the ‘common folk’. :rainbowwild:

On the bright side, Twilight won't have to hear Rainbow and Pinkie call her a scaredy-cat-pants. Or would she risk proving them right if she got on that roller coaster and get scared and scream like a big scaredy-cat-pants and lose her dignity as a mare and princess lose her nerve.

Mica #10 · Sunday · · ·

While buses and taxis sound like it'd make sense, I think the point behind the rule is US presidents have to be driven by Secret Service agents, who have special driving skills to make a getaway in case the president is attacked. Presidents can't even ride in open top cars after JFK's assassination. So there would probably be an even bigger security concern in a public bus. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with getting to know the common folk...:applejackunsure:

Also, Celestia and Luna did indeed ride a roller coaster in Between Dark and Dawn.

It was kind of a gag. And obviously the operator of that particular rollercoaster in that episode cares nothing for proper safety protocol. Personally, I think we could all do with a 'Pencil Pusher' in our life... whether we realise it or not... :rainbowderp:

Anything's better than crapping your 'scaredy-cat-pants' out of fear I suppose. At least Twilight doesn't have to face that problem... :trollestia:

This felt like a good setup to a punchline we never got

Good job it wasn't a joke, then. :twistnerd:

She should make her own theme park, with blackjack! And Hookers!

Like an R-rated version of Las Pegasus then. Hurray! :raritystarry:

Agreed. This felt like the start of a story, but it just finishes before getting to a middle. There should have been some sort of retribution for Pencil Pusher, especially after he called a customer a “freak.” Or have Twilight use her magic to reduce her size. Something.

As the author, I'd like to think I'd never be so lazy as to cut short a story which could be realistically expanded upon. In this fic's case though, it was my intention to show that sometimes in life things are unfair I just realised that rhymes with funfair, I should've used that :facehoof: ) and you just have to go with the flow.

Also, IMHO Pencil Pusher did nothing wrong... he was just doing his job, allbeit in a slightly overzealous fashion. And calling someone a 'fitness freak' is hardly the same as calling him a standalone 'freak', it just means Bulk Biceps likes to keep fit. Which he does. 💪

he was right, what if her horn clipped a metal beam or something. would be crazy. as some author here once said, "like stubbing your toe, but it's connected directly to your brain"

Actually, he's wrong. IRL I have NEVER seen a MAXIMUM HEIGHT or MAXIMUM WEIGHT limit on a rollercoaster or any other ride at an Amusement Park.
I have seen MINIMUMS and only those.

IRL i never saw a talking horse either!

Zobeid #22 · Yesterday · · ·

I was just heading back to catch Spike scoffing diamonds and rubies. . .

Probably should be scarfing unless this is some dialect I don't know about.

Yep. It’s a posh word for…. well, what you think it is. :moustache:

The limits do exist, but human engineers tend to ensure that said limits are far away enough from average that a human that flouts them would a) be very rare, b) very obviously not fit, and thus posting the limits would be redundant. Heck, some now very old rides (not rollercoasters, though) that I've seen in real life would indeed struggle to take an adult just in terms of fitting the vehicle, being designed for unaccompanied children (playground equipment, too).

Ponies may find such designs more acceptable, leading to ones where normal-sized adults are at the top end of the safe range to be deployed.

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