Thomas Jefurrson is returning home from Griffonstone, after helping the Griffons unite in revolution, to return home to a free Equestria. Little does he know of the commotion currently going on in the Canterlot Courts.
Every guard worth his salt in Canterlot knows the rules of patrolling the Mountainside District: You don't patrol the district alone. You don't patrol it alone, especially at night.
This is what royalty is, this is what it takes to rule Stormgate. When foolish rulers take charge, it's up to those with strong wills, sharp minds, and the might to make right. Against impossible odds, nothing short of real leaders must take a stand.
When a griffon expedition goes missing in the Frozen North, the Crystal Empire answers the call. But as the crew of the Aurora Dawn will soon learn, there are things in the ice no mortal creature should uncover.
Having escaped the Silos, Arcane, Astral, and Sassi try to adjust to the normal life that now awaits them. But evil never sleeps, and when it digs its claws into Equestria, the three three friends are on the frontlines. But they've got lots of ammo.
In a burgeoning city a hunter donates food to an orphanage. The old griffoness caretaker pays him with more than coin. She shares wisdom with a young griffon at the brink of doing things he would regret.
To save what remains of the Griffon Kingdom, Celestia is going to have to give them a new leader. Unfortunately for Gilda, she's the only one available for the job.
Rarity has entered into the world of the Canterlot Aristocracy, a world so different from her humble upbringing in Ponyville. So, imagine her surprise when she finds one of her friends already there.