Twilight messed up big time, and as a result she is paying the price when vengeful ponies trap her and Spike in a situation where they are doomed to perish if help does not arrive on time.
-Make sure you know what you're doing before you decide to help someone.
-Beware of your serious mistakes, for they can come back to get you.
Damn, why is this disliked to high hell?
The author has something of a reputation for disliking all things "friendship" in Friendship is Magic (or, at the least, finding them unreflective of his perception of real-world relationships). It's pretty much a guarantee he's going to rake Twilight over the coals every time she does something even moderately amicable, under the pretense that she's "imposing friendship on people who either don't want it or will inevitably take advantage of it."
is there something wrong with that?
Doesn't look much like a pretense to me... it looks EXACTLY the way Twilight behaves (Especially in Later Seasons) Freaking out whenever the slightest thing is not right in her eyes. Always butting in where she's not needed or wanted and trying to force her views on others to either clear her own conscience, or because she's paranoid that if Friendship Fails, Equestria Fails (Will be plunged into all-out war and chaos)
Oh man, curious on how the story will go, and what will happen to Twilight and Spike (even though it seems, Spike is uh, probably dead).
Who are those two winged-creatures (not sure if ponies or something else)? How did Twilight and Spike get into this situation? Why did this happen? Oblivion? Excited for the next chapter to quench my curiosity!!!
Thanks for the story, and keep up the good work!
Steady on there... all will be made clear.