Sunny days, gentle breezes and light evening showers. The weather in Ponyville is perfect, thanks to the hard work of the weather team. Everypony loves it. Except, it turns out, the weather team itself. A story about passion and pegasi.
If somepony gives their love to you, be sure to give it back. Poor Thunderlane is about to learn that the hard way as two mares compete for his attention.
Cloud Chaser endeavours to (in a smothering way) protect her vain, airy sister after they join the Ponyville weather team. However, as the saying goes: no mare is an island.
They did it, they managed to get the goober into the Super Collider to stop King Pin and to be returned home. Peni was the first to go through, but it did not send her back.
Sisters argue. A lot. Flitter and Cloudchaser are no exception to this. After having enough of her sister talking about herself, Flitter goes on an adventure to find her place. To her surprise, she finds a unicorn and a dragon on the exact same quest
Flitter thinks Fluttershy is the weakest pony in the world. Flitter has never confronted what Fluttershy's job really means. Nopony ever wants to or should. Now Flitter has to. And 'weak' will turn out to be exactly the wrong word.
This is a lipogram. It will contain no 'E', apart from that symbol said prior and what was drawn upon in titling this story. I will not touch that symbol in this writing at all, nor will I allow it to subsist. Thank you.