• Member Since 25th Feb, 2023
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago



Do you remember your dreams when you sleep? I never did, until recently that is. Now when I go to sleep I awake in a whole new world. As a Pony no less.

Inspired by a manga I read, the name of which I don't remember.
Takes Place not long after Twilight becomes and Alicorn so she still has her library MC also has no idea about MLP but it does exist in his world just never watched it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

interesting. twilight is gonna have a field day reserching the weird pony that can vanish on death or sleep only to come back fine later

Interesting story so far, I did love the part at the end where he gets a noticed that he was charged for spending bits in Equestria and that there isn't just some link between two world but a currency exchange too, I seriously wonder what this could be all about, what is subscribe to the service, or is it some Discord shenanigans that he decided to create a business around dreaming being a pony; I am guessing he isn't allowed to create wealth out of nothing anymore that his why he Dream was lend bits while he was over there. I wonder what happen to the bodies he inhabit, as it's mentioned that they didn't always looked the same. Do they stay around rotting away or pile of bones, do they grow like mushrooms and such. Looking forward to see more of this again soon.

Oh the only thing changed about his body was getting the cutie mark.

The cutiemark on the human body gives me Five Score vibes

I like the premise, though it's a bit early to talk about the rest. My only note is Dream Catcher seems weirdly detached from both realities, kinda acting like he's dreaming even as a human in not reacting to the marks beyond "Huh, neat." But overall it's definitely fun and I look forward to more!

Yeah, I actually already had thoughts about why that is/was :raritywink:

Damn, now you got me invested! I mean c'mon dude, you already got me hooked on Dawn's New Day, now you gotta make me anxiously wait for a NEW story? :rainbowlaugh:

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