This story is a sequel to Applejack Gets Lost
When the Cutie Map summons Applejack to solve a friendship problem that’s literally off the edge of the map, she hopes it’s just a prank by Discord. Inevitably though, Applejack must travel further than she’s ever traveled before—straight into the unknown and braving everything that comes with it. After all, if ponies are in need, Applejack will never let them down.
At least it’s much better than being lost without any apples around.
Or they could have chartered an airship.
Seriously, don't they have globes?
Alright, it's here! Onwards to the next adventure!
Out to the Undiscovered West again, eh? Definitely a few characters I'd like to see again from that trip.
But thats boring and no fun to read .
A far-off journey for the one member of the group who can neither fly or teleport. Typical
This is a promising start for the story. Iam sure that Applejack will have to go further than the Citadel of Al-Karamaretal.
No Applejack a citation of Ahuizotl would be something like: Daring Do! I will have my revenge!
Discord certainly knows more than he reveals but then why would he play open card that's no fun.
It's good that Hacksaw was a friendly town.
Will this story be as long as the previous one?
It will be similar in length to Applejack Gets Lost.
Hacksaw's lively as ever.
I imagined that AJ would have an easier time travelling prepared this time around, but dang she's getting to travel cozy.
Hopefully for Aplejack the cruise will be uneventfull. Maybe she can learn a bit more about the situation at the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel.
Took the words right out of my brain.
Hopefully Applejack will be able to hlep Fire Vent. The ponies living there might even be able to give more information about what's going in Al-Karamaretel.
I'm really glad that there's nothing to worry about.
Narrator: "There was definitely something to worry about."
Oh goody, crooked law, the absolute best kind...
My mind's eye really likes the design of this town.
If people stress the fact that tere is nothing to worry about then that means there is something to worry about. Applejack will certainly call out the townsfolk on their lies.
Chumps made the mistake of picking on one of the last ponies you'd want to get in a hoof-to-hoof brawl with.
Was wondering if she still had the Hoof of the Earth abilities.
Those thieves really don't know how to fight especially not against somepony like Applejack. I wonder what is going in Fire Vent but Applejack is certainly going to get answer from the sherrif.
It appears that things are very much not what they seem at first glance with this town.
The self appointed sherrif isn't very popular and apparently has no interest in deescalation. I seriously doubt he's good at his job as sherrif. Maybe not as bad as Sprout but nowhere near the lelvel of Hitch.
Hmmm susss-
it's an error please fix it-
Well she's found the camp now she just has to convince the ponies there.
Well, that's step one completed without too much fuss.
Now to figure out what's blowing smoke up Al-Karamaretel's collective posteriors and causing them to cut off the bridge.
The problems in Fire Vent are mostly solved for now. Until the traffic across the bridge is restored things aren't goign to be fine though which all sides acknowledge. Convincing the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel to open the bridge again is probably going to be more difficult than this issue in Fire Vent.
Roc's Nest sort of sounds familiar but it's not reading any bells right for for me. I'm probably have to gloss through a couple of the other stories to be sure.
It will take a while for Applejack to reach Roc's nest. I can't say that it sounds familiar though so I've got no clue as why Applejack thinks it is.
...Yeah, I'd rather take having strain from money woes than being stuck dealing with a plague and watching for murderbirds from above...
Seriously though, what the heck is Al-Karamaretel doing with that bridge? I can't wait to find out.
I wonder if Applejack can figure out what's caused the change in behaviour by the Rocs thouhgt hat would be more Fluttershy's department.
I'm purely guessing but maybe whatever is west of alkaramaretel is so bad, that the smart thing to do is close and defend the gate.
Hopefully Applejack won't have to face an actual Roc during her search for the Icebane.
...Yep, it just ain't that easy.
Running time is now.
Getting away from the Rocs while keeping the Icebane will be difficult. I wonder if Applejack might learn something about the Rocs change in behaviour while trying to escape from them.
ASt least Applejack got the rocs to back off but now she needs to get reatment for an ilness.
Geez, AJ. I get that you have a mission you want to get over with and a promise you made to help the ailing townsponies of Fire Vent, but the former doesn't really have a hard deadline and the later can wait a little longer. Gotta look after yourself too, y'know.
At least she's gotten a more decent victory in here with helping Roc's Nest. And some fresh food for her travels.
Aplejack's workaholic attitude and stubborness are really not doing her any favors. The Citadel gives the ipression of a fortress walled against intrsion by outsiders. Applejack will probably have a hard time getting in the Citadel.
I am suspecting the work of Cauliflower here.
Also, a quick reference back led me to something that Cauliflower mentioned regarding Al-Karamaretel. Something about it being made dreary and not fun thanks to "a certain someone". Off the bat I'm suspecting the higher powers. First guess goes to Harelquin Grey. He might not be around anymore but he definitely was at the time of that comment and it's possible his influence could still be lingering? Other guess could be Harlequin White but puppeteering a city doesn't seem quite like his style. Might even be someone else altogether.
Granted this pun is rather late, but it appears AJ was trapped between a Roc, and a cold place.
The journey to Station Ponywares should go without trouble at least.
Called it. I don't remember Cauliflower taking much of a direct intervention approach to anything but it's good to know that AJ will be in good hooves.
Speaking of good hooves:
Was wondering if AJ would be encountering Aquamarine at all. Last seen she was en-route to Fire Vent and then Al-Karamaretel and generously gave Amethyst Star and Solar Streak a lift so I kinda had a feeling. Looks like AJ should be around some friendly faces for a while. Nice change of pace after all that fuss at Fire Vent and Roc's Nest.
I might have to reread parts of Amethyst Star's story because I can't remember many of the names that appear in it. It seems that Applejack is at least lucky enough that she doesn't need to stay long at Staton Ponywares.
This is practically a half-sequel to that story as well so yeah, I don't blame you.
Vahar showing up here of all places is not something I expected. What's she doing all the way far out West? And what about the other merponies she was leading? Is she relieved of duty now that Senax returned with news of Merlantis?
I guess I should be so surprised about shantytowns showing up around the border of the Citadel, but man that news plus all the poverty and skulduggery going on...that's some rough stuff there going on and I hope AJ gets to the bottom of it soon.
And that's going to be but one big grand event, considering she still has business on the other side of that place.
Yes, at this point in time we're well past when Senax already made it back to the other merponies in East Glade. Vahar, being heavily inspired by Trixie in her visit to East Glade and falling in love with stage magic, decided to strike out on her own now that she had the opportunity and has become a wandering magician as well.
I'll admit that reading the comments reveals that i have forgotten some characters form your previous stories. I wonder what exactly is going on at the Citadel of Al-Karamaretel. Cauliflower indicated Harlequin Grey was responsible it's not surprising his influence continues after he was killed.
Well, Vahar is certainly going to keep this leg of the trip lively.
Vahar has a lot of improving to do yet.
I chortled.
Also, AJ's deadpan snark has been on point this story.
Hopefully things will go slightly better this time. Vahar should have practiced more before setting off.
Why do I get the feeling that Vahar is somehow gonna wind up with fireworks before this is all over?