She was a fresh college grad with a shiny degree in social work and got a basic job where she can work towards helping people through tough times, hoping to become a renowned therapist or counselor. Pity her Halloween costume gets her to Equestria.
Fighting monsters is government work, and that means ponies need to have meetings, come to a consensus, and find a way to control the budget before it gets out of control!
Chrysalis is beaten. Her invasion of Canterlot? Failed. Her hive? Scattered to the winds. The future of her people? Bleak, grim, and hopeless. But change is in the air, and something is calling Chrysalis north, to the birthplace of the changelings.
The space race is on, and Chrysalis is determined to win it. With an earth pony test pilot and a hive full of brave-but-dim changelings, can she be the first pony on the moon? Inspired by Kerbal Space Program.
Far from Canterlot and forced to work in gem mines for cruel Diamond Dogs, a young unicorn named Bone Marrow's pursuit of his cutiemark reveals a unique talent: raising the dead.