Sunset Shimmer's life was simple. Her plan was to graduate high school, attend university, and become a world-famous scientist. What could possibly go wrong? [sex tag is for sexual references and jokes]
Love is hard. The adventure to find your perfect match is difficult as it is. But what if dreams could hint towards who your soulmate is? That is reality for an unlucky siren and unicorn. Or lucky, depending on how you look at it...
Sunset Shimmer can't stop playing games on Halloween. When she finally brings herself out of her room, she realizes just how long she's been inside. Now, it's up to a mischievous siren to get her out of the house~
After beating the Dazzlings in the battle of the bands, Sunset Shimmer became sick of being the good girl and wanted to regain the power she had lost at the Fall Formal.
After Sonata and Aria had gone back to Canterlot High, Adagio wanted to meet up with Sunset Shimmer to thank her in regards to her sisters. Sunset accepted the offer all too eagerly.