In AU, Twilight, known as Terra Spark, is a trained psychic soldier known as a "Ghost" and Rainbow Dash is a commander known as Brigitte Rainbow.
Two alien races, the nightmarish Changelings and high tech warriors, The Greys, are fighting each other across the sector and humanity(anthro) is trap in the middle of these aliens senseless war.
On a backwater planet, Terra watches over Rainbow, who brings not only hope to the people but also reminds Terra that she deserves a better tomorrow as well.
In return, Terra reminds Rainbow about why she can keep fighting
An entry(maybe) in Imposing Sovereigns IV using the prompt Rainbow Dash/Twilight Sparkle Strength/Loyalty
Setting is inspired by Starcraft 1
characters appears in my current running stories here(for Terra) and here(For the commander)
so I guess I call this a spin off?