Why Centaur Conspiracy is on hiatus + other facts and trivia · 5:22am Nov 16th, 2022
Contains spoilers to Cozy Chronicles, and My Filly From Tartarus.
It's been about 3 years since Friendship is Magic ended, and I started writing Cozy Chronicles, and 2 years since I finished that story. We'll start by cutting to the chase and explaining why updates on its sequel have been slow to non-existent.
So you might have noticed I did not write a story for Cozy Glow Contest #4, and you might be wondering why. (You probably aren't wondering why, but I'll explain it anyway.) Basically, none of the prompts really stuck out as particularly new or compelling. I was disappointed how many reused prompts there were (still offering the Cozy's got a secret prompt? Really?), and the new ones either didn't interest me, or fit my style. I did pick out a prompt, and I did create an outline and started writing scenes, but I didn't think it was coming together particularly well. It could've been an okay story, but I wasn't having fun putting it together, and I didn't want to devote a bunch of my time into a story I wouldn't be satisfied with publishing. You guys deserve better. So in the end I decided to sit this year out. Good luck to all the entrants though!
Here are the comics of MLP G5
Number 01: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=557184262437349&set=pcb.557185232437252
Number 02: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=575380280617747&set=pcb.575381940617581
Number 03: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=599202091568899&set=pcb.599202994902142
Number 04 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=617038816451893&set=pcb.617039696451805
Number 05 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=641786210643820&set=pcb.641787567310351
in case you want to put Discord in your story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/520819/the-never-ending-ending
A new story? Indeed. Check out my G5 story, The Never-Ending Ending.
After being in the works for weeks, my new story for Contest 3 is finally ready.(and on the two year anniversary of A Different Kind of Ending no less, which yes was intentional). You can check it out here.
If there's one thing that's true about it, it's that I never appear to have a shortage of ideas and premises for Cozy Glow...
Sure thing. It was fun meeting in person during the weekend. It was very neat meeting a person irl who recognized my pen name and knew of my stories.
Thanks for the watch! Nice to meet you last weekend!
I wanted to have the next chapter published on Monday yesterday, thus keeping the weekly releases going, but looking at the next chapter in its current form, it simply wasn't ready. I hope to have it done later this week. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait.
Edit: Wait ended up not being too much longer. Chapter 3 is now out.
Surprise, I'm writing a new story. Check it out here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/511332/cozy-mark-crusadin
Check out my new story written for the Cozy Glow Story 2: